The hyper active Blue Deal team has been leading multiple initiatives and incumbents, and has been involved for years in supporting start-ups, usually in sustainability context. We are happy to make our brands and domains that we decided not to bring to maturity, or have stopped for strategic reasons, available to others. Please find availability below, should you be interested feel free to contact us at team @ thebluedeal.eu
van A tot Zon branding package, based on a famous Dutch saying van A tot Z (meaning fully complete): a full brand, trademark, domain & social media package to introduce and position your solar initiative in the Benelux market. vanAtotZon has been used for solar consultancy 2010 to 2018 when it became part of The Blue Deal, the brand name has been on a very low profile since.
1) Registered trademark EU: rights to van A tot Zon name & logo, but no obligation to use the logo
2) Primary domains covering the brand and similarities: www.vanatotzon.com www.vanatotzon.nl www.vanatotzon.eu www.vanatotzon.be www.vanatotzon.net, www.atotzon.be www.atotzon.nl
3) Secundary / alternative brand domains. Also to acquire separate, first right to buyer of vanAtotZon brand package
ww.vanAtotZonnepanelen.be www.vanAtotZonnepanelen.eu www.vanAtotZonnepanelen.net www.Atotzonnepanelen.be www.AtotZonnepanelen.com www.atotzonnepanelen.eu www.atotzonnepanelen.net
Brand name & domains theme Renewable energy & climate change. International, English language
My Sun Plan: www.mysunplan.com www.mysunplan.nl
Sollutions (Sol = sun = solar) : www.sollutions.org www.sollutions.be www.sollutions.nl www.sollutions.net
Power to the panels: www.powertothepanels.com
Sustainable creators: www.sustaimablecreators.com www.sustainablecreators.nl
Sustainable dashboard: www.sustainabledashboard.nl www.sustainabledashboard.eu
Climate wall: www.climatewall.nl
Green kitchen label: www.greenkitchenlabel.nl www.greenkitchenlabel.org
Brand name & domains theme Renewable energy & climate change, Dutch & Flemish markets
Prachtstroom (krachtstroom): www.prachtstroom.nl www.prachtstroom.org
Zon unie www.zonunie.com www.zonunie.eu
Holland klimaatscherm www.klimaatscherm.eu www.hollandklimaatscherm.nl
Gezond gebouw: www.gezond-gebouw.nl www.gezond-gebouw.com
Zonnezorg www.zonnezorg.nl
Kleurdak & kleurendaken: www.kleurdak.nl www.kleurendak.nl www.kleurendaken.nl
Nautical name & domains
123 Boat: www.123boat.nl
123 boot: www.123boot.nl
Sloepwinkel (smile on the word ‘Snoepwinkel’): www.desloepenwinkel.nl www.desloepwinkel.nl www.desloepwinkel.com www.sloepwinlel.com
Sloepfabriek www.sloepfabriek.nl